Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 8-1-2021

Document Type



Citation analysis of all the journal articles published in the International Journal of Digital Library Services (IJODLS) from 2015-2017 is carried out. 144 articles published in the journal during 3 years. The highest numbers (55) of articles are published in the year 2015. The journal contained 1915 citations from 2015-2017. The average number of citations per article is the maximum in the year 2015. The study also covers the analyses of authorship patterns in citing articles. In the authorship pattern, Single author citations are dominant than others and it is 806(42.07%). Among the citations, Journal citations were the highest 1104(57.67%). The study also reveals that the "Annals of Library and Information Studies" journal is the most preferred journal used by the authors in their citation in this journal. In geographical distribution, India is at the top with 504(42.14%) no. of citations. The study also included the study of the form of documents, ranking of authors, year-wise distribution of references and articles, ranking of cited journals and books. International Journal of Digital Library Services (IJODLS) is a peer-reviewed open-access academic journal that covers the rapid acceleration of emergent technology use in libraries across the globe.
