Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The purposes of the paper is to analyze and assess the current state of archives and records management in some selected university libraries of Bangladesh as well as to evaluate professionalism towards the existing preservation systems.

To draw inferences and make recommendations, a survey was conducted in selected public and private university libraries of Bangladesh. The universities were selected for this study on the basis of their position within 10th in the 2020 UniRank list published in Bangladesh. The primary data were collected through questionnaire, interview and observation methods and secondary data were derived from literature search. The findings of the study show that 50% public university library use digital repository as archives whereas 90% private university libraries preserve the archives digitally as well as manually. The study also reveals that maximum (90%) private university libraries use archival repository though the number of repositories are increasing slowly. On the other hand, 50% public university libraries use the repository but the number of manual collection of these university library are much higher than others libraries. The study also clearly indicates that public libraries are ahead of private university libraries in preserving the number of manual collection.
