Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



Library and information science, Digital literacy competency among users.


The literacy in digital world requires acquiring, exploring, managing, accessing, presenting, and using digital contents in easy manner. It is the skill to utilize and operate digitally enabled tools and software’s to perform effectively in digital world which requires cognitive skills, technology sound and web competency. The present study attempts to assess digital literacy skills and competencies among library users of central university of Jharkhand. An organized and structured questionnaire was framed having open and close end questions and was randomly distributed among users. It was observed that majority of users are aware of web tools and comfortable in online environment. The student needs training and digital literacy program for better work output. It further discusses understanding level of digital components, web technology application in learning and research, problem faced while using internet components. The paper also deals with awareness of various databases, e-learning tools and various types of literacy such as information literacy, web literacy, ICT literacy etc.
