Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 10-15-2021

Document Type



This study examines the experience of libraries at Imam Abdul Rahman bin Faisal University during the period of the Corona pandemic (COVID-19) since early March 2020. The paper reviewed the reality of libraries during the crisis and highlighted the unknown challenges posed by the epidemic to the university digital services. The paper examines how libraries have adapted electronic management to support the university’s full online teaching and learning processes since March 2020. The impact of the use of electronic management on the performance of human resources at the Deanship of Library Affairs at Imam Abdul Rahman bin Faisal University was reviewed and the various digital services of libraries provided to meet the needs of end users were reviewed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The study concluded that some of the organizational, technical, human, and financial obstacles that hinder the application of electronic management, including, for example, the difficulty of carrying out repairs due to the crisis by 25%, the lack of readiness of workers to deal with such crises by 25%, and the disruption of some works due to the crisis by 25%. The study offered several recommendations: the most important of which are the development of an alternative plan or an emergency plan in the event of the failure of electronic management and the establishment of integrated and separate work teams with high capabilities and expertise and suitable for crisis management.
