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The Internet of Things (IoT) is the internetworking of physical devices which consists of an embedded system with sensors, actuators and network connectivity that enable collection and exchange of data. Each day, we are witnessing the emergence of new technologies that have the capability to embed into our environment and measure the physical, social and contextual phenomenon. The technology behind IOT is driven by various technological forces such as smart devices, wireless network, and pervasive connectivity among others. Data collection, management and accessibility are made easy with Internet of Things IOT. The Internet of Things (IoT) is aimed at formulating a complex information system with the combination of sensor data acquisition, efficient data exchange through networking, machine learning, artificial intelligence, big data, and clouds. This paper, therefore, focused on the relevance of Internet of Things (IoT) in clinical data management for health institutions. This includes the impact on how data are collected, how they were being analyzed and stored, and its impact in terms of security and privacy-related issues.
