Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The study's objectives were to identify the document type, publishing trends, authorship patterns of research, most prolific authors, countries and keywords, top citied articles, and country collaboration of published articles in Serials Review (SR) through bibliometric measures from 1991-2020. The data was retrieved from the Scopus database and analyzed through VOSviewer, Microsoft excel, and Biblioshiny. The result found that most of the studies were published in the form of empirical (1785) with total citation (4998) during 1991-2020. Publications were increased from 2002 to 2004, but after 2014 the publications ratio decreased. A single authorship pattern was shown by most of the publications. Blythe, K published 70 publications from 1991-2020, while Collins had 194 citations against only 30 publications. The article titled “The access/impact problem and the green and gold roads to open access” having 223 citations. The countries’ collaboration was shown that the USA and Canada were having 20 research collaborations during 1991-20. Academic libraries, open access, and electronic resources were the most used keywords by the authors. It can be beneficial for readers to understand highly cited journals, the most prolific authors and the bibliographic coupling of institutions. It is also helpful for and editorial team of SR for further developments.
