Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 10-5-2020

Document Type



All the recommendations have been incorporated


Human history is full of many bitter examples of natural calamities which affected mankind with heavy losses. The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most disastrous calamities which momentously impacted every sphere of life, especially, higher education and the use of academic libraries. This pandemic instigated the worldwide subsequent lockdown policies imposed by various governments. These policies badly devastated the physical use of the academic libraries. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the faculty and students who are reliant on the physical use of libraries have badly suffered. This temporary postponement of the in-person operation of libraries has opened up new challenges for the staff of libraries. Though the libraries were closed for the faculty and students, but the library staff decided to adopt digital methods to fulfil the needs of faculty and students. During this pandemic, the trend of digital libraries and resources has emerged. The academic institutions adopted the policy to work from home and online classes for the students. This restriction opens up new dimensions to explore the knowledge from digital sources and libraries. Those libraries which were fully aware of the need for digital resources had already managed a huge collection of digital sources. In the use of digital libraries, there was a trend to remain up-to-date with modern developments, especially in March 2020, when there was a worldwide lockdown. This article is an attempt to highlight the use of academic libraries during the COVID-19 pandemic and about the new trends of digital libraries.
