Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 12-3-2021

Document Type



Talking about improving human resources, the library occupies a very urgent role. This is in line with Law Number 43 of 2007 concerning Libraries, especially Article 3, which states that the library functions as a vehicle for education, research, preservation, information, and recreation to increase the intelligence and empowerment of the nation. A librarian, as explained in Article 1 paragraph (8) of Law No. 43 of 2007 on Libraries, is someone who has competence obtained through education and/or training and has duties and responsibilities to carry out library management and services. This study aims to find out the development map and trends of librarians published by well-known journals in the library field. Data was analyzed by more than 200 research publications indexed by Scopus. The export data is then processed and analyzed using the R Biblioshiny application program to find out the bibliometric map and the text analytic. The results of the study show that the number of publications on the development of the research role of librarians continues to increase. The study also explains about several librarians in the history of Islamic civilization, where at that time many public libraries and another type of library were waqf-based (Antonio et al, 2021).
