Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 11-9-2021

Document Type



COVID-19 and the resulting stay-at-home orders have changed just about everything, including our relationship with the internet, how often we use it and how we use it. For instance, in India 87 % people reported increase in its usage with 75 % spending increasing amount of time on Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp (Business Today, March 30, 2020 ). This study examined the use of social media PG Students of Kashmir university . The main objectives of the study are to find out the reasons why PG Students use social media, to identify students’ perception of social media, and to find out the frequency of social media usage. The study used a questionnaire in order to discover the use of SNS. An online survey was distributed using Google Forms via different social media platforms and official emails. Total response collected for the study was 1255.
