Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The present study attempted to prepare the scientometric portrait of Joan C Durrance, a respected researcher in the community focused library services and a pioneer in the field of community informatics. The study focused on the aspects like Year and age wise publication output, Authorship pattern, Document types, Ranking of Collaborative authors, Preferred journal for communication of research results, Distribution of citations, and Ranking of top cited papers. She has contributed 165 publications including 39 seminar presentations since 1977 to 2011. Year wise growth indicated that she contributed the maximum number of scholarly output in 1996 at the age of 58 years. The pattern and other measures of authorship displayed its strength upon single authored publication. Among the document types most of the documents were Books/ Book Chapters followed by Journal articles. The most preferred journal by Durrance for the publication of her research results was Public Libraries with 7 publications. The top ranked co-author of Joan C Durrance is K. E. Fisher who co-authored 40 papers in 10 years of contributing ages. 61 publications (48.41%) received 2595 citations with an average of 20.6 citations per paper, 65 publications (51.58%) still remained uncited. The most cited paper of Durrance is a journal article published in 2004 and received 434 citations till date. The findings of this study will be beneficial for the researchers of LIS and Scientometric domain.
