Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 11-22-2021

Document Type



The present paper identifies and presents a visual analysis of Research Data Management (RDM) literature published by Indian researchers and indexed in Scopus – the bibliographic and citation database. The researchers have used standard bibliometric methods of measurements to conduct the study such as Bradford’s law, Lotka’s law and Zipf’s Law among other parameters. The study findings indicate that India is rapidly focusing on RDM with its contribution of 136 publications to the global output of 4929 publications over a period of 1945 to 2021, ranking 12th globally. Out of 136 publications, 35.29% (48) were published as open access publications and the remaining 30.15%, (41) were published as gold, 25.74% (35) were green and 4.41% (6) were published as hybrid gold and bronze access respectively. Research data management, big data, data curation, data repositories, digital curation, research data sharing, data privacy, data security, data stewardship, data preservation are major research trends discussed within the broad area of RDM., This study highlights the contribution of LIS professionals to RDM research, although RDM research is still at a nascent stage in India. This study charts the growth of published RDM literature in India since 2015. Researchers irrespective of their disciplines are acquiring the necessary skills and expertise to prepare themselves to embrace this new area.
