Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 12-12-2021

Document Type



Using information and communication technology (ICT) means communicating, creating, distributing and managing data. There is no sector of society that does not benefit from the use of information and communication technology. Covid-19 epidemic necessitates the repurposing of ICT systems intended for other distributed purposes to retain social connections, deliver distributed services, and fulfil corporate needs. Next to the IT field, the paradigm shift takes place in the medical field. During the pandemic situation, the usage of ICT tremendously increased in all departments of the medical field. In this situation, the research analyses women doctors' attitudes towards ICT and digital resources for understanding their acceptance. The study's objective is to identify how women Doctors use ICT products and applications. To decide the familiarity of ICT products and applications among women Doctors. To find the frequency of using ICT based health knowledge by the women doctors. Research design and sites used a cross-sectional investigation strategy. Few medical women doctors in government hospitals and private hospitals in Tirunelveli city contributed. The sample size of the study was restricted to 62 in numbers. Secondary data was also used for further information. Descriptive analysis methods, partial correlation and ANOVA tests are used as analytical tools for this study.
