Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 2-28-2022

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The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become a common place in all areas of life. It is a necessary part of today's world. It provides the opportunity to accelerate, enrich and expand your skills; motivates and engages learners in learning. In fact, culture and society must be adapted to the challenges of the age of knowledge. The spread of ICT has resulted in rapid technological, social, political and economic transformation, which has emerged in a network society organized around ICTs.

The 21st Century is the age of ICT. Throughout the world, there is a tendency to use ICT in teaching learning processes. Educator and learner must gain access to technology to improve learning skills and academic development. The ICT in teaching learning process involves the use of computers, computer software and other devices for processing, transmitting and retrieving data and related services. In this paper it is emphasized on the previous studies conducted on ICT competence and Attitude of faculty members towards using ICT in teaching and learning activities in higher education institutions.
