Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 2-2-2022

Document Type



Digital Transformation is currently causing changes in almost all aspects of life, including academics, for example libraries that initially use conventional methods to become digital-based or often known as Digital Libraries. Efforts made by several universities in adapting to these changes are by developing digital libraries, including those carried out by the State University of Surabaya. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of a digital library at the State University of Surabaya using the HOT Fit Model Evaluation. This evaluation model defines the components in the information system as the main components to be evaluated, namely the human, organizational, and technological components and the relationship between each component. The results of the Bivariate Correlation Test in this study indicate that the components of Human, Organization and Technology are interconnected, as well as the relationship between these 3 components and the Net-Benefit component or the effectiveness of the Surabaya State University digital library which indicates that the relationship is very strong as well. In other words, in order for an information system development to run effectively, these 3 core components are needed, namely Human, Organization and Technology. Even so, not all of the tested variables obtained maximum results, this also means that improvements still need to be made in the future.
