Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 2-8-2022

Document Type



The goal of this research was to see how the internet helped to bridge the digital divide between Jordanians during the Coronavirus outbreak. A quantitative approach is adopted. 210 questionnaire forms were distributed randomly to the members of the sample through using: ( They were distributed using email and WhatsApp. 200 forms were analyzed. They represent 95% of the distributed forms. The questionnaire consists of 20 statements. It was found that there is a digital divide between the members of Jordanian society. It was found that the availability of smart devices and the internet enables the members of Jordanian society to overcome this divide. Such availability enables the members of the Jordanian society to acquire knowledge, including knowledge about the Coronavirus. The current study was carried out during the Coronavirus outbreak. As a result, it will play an important role in closing the digital divide between members of Arab societies in general and Jordanians in particular. It will play an important role in encouraging Jordanians to work together with policymakers to enhance the country's IT infrastructure. The present study adopts a simple methodology for measuring the digital divide between the members of the Jordanian society during the Coronavirus crisis. Narrowing this divide is needed in the light of having many sectors not operating. The present study is the first study in the world that aimed to measure the impact of the Coronavirus crisis on the digital divide. The researcher aimed to explore that, because of the Coronavirus crisis-affected internet users in Jordan
