Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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In an inclusive education setting, learners with and without disabilities are guided to study in the same classrooms with adaptable facilities and equipments. With this arrangement in place, assistive technology becomes an absolute requirement, and the school library is a medium for providing and using inclusive resources. In the current education system where online learning is speedily overtaking face-to-face learning modalities, school Library resources are indispensable for the effective inclusion of all learners through differentiated instruction. Such is critically essential for English language learning, especially in Nigeria, where English is learned as a Second Language. However, little is known about the perspectives of English Language teachers on the availability and use of online school library resources for differentiating English Language instruction to include all learners. This qualitative study investigated how English language teachers view school library resources for online English language learning and their perspectives about differentiating English language instruction using online library resources. Interview data were collected from 15 practicing English teachers in Government Secondary schools in Enugu State, Nigeria. Results showed that English Language teachers are unaware of using technology and online resources in their classrooms, especially for differentiated instruction. Challenges identified were lack of skills, unavailability of resources, poor access, and poor attitudes. Conclusions were drawn based on the findings. It is recommended that school librarians be cautious about the needs and preferences of English Language teachers and learners and provide appropriate online library resources to meet their needs.
