Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 3-5-2022

Document Type



It is a n innovative type of research


In today’s world of work, employees are expected to show resilience behaviour as the workplace is constantly changing and unpredictable. Therefore, this study was designed to examine the resilience of public library employees at their workplace. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to all public library staff members in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka. The study enlisted the participation of 340 staff members from 143 public libraries in the Eastern Province. Employee resilience was measured using Employee Resilience (EmpRes) scale developed by Näswall et al. in 2015. The EmpRes scale items were subjected to Exploratory Factor Analysis (Principal Component Analysis) using a Varimax rotation with Kaiser Normalization to examine the construct's dimensional structure. The results revealed that Librarians showed resilience behaviours such as work collaboration, positive attitude, learn from mistakes, and proactive behaviour. They were considered as highly resilient personnel because all items in the Employee Resilience scale were significant and mean values for the descriptive statistics of significant factors were greater than 4. Similarly, Library Assistants and other staff categories’ resilience was also examined. Findings revealed that Library Assistant and other staff categories had worked collaboratively and showed proactive nature. It is concluded that both categories represented areas of deliberate behaviour that were considered valuable in developing workplace resilience activities in the future.
