Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study investigated continuing professional Development as a medium in the empowerment of library and information science Educators for effective knowledge delivery and sustainable Education in south East Nigeria. Five research questions guided the study. The study adopted descriptive survey design. The population of the study consisted of 282 library information science educators in five selected federal universities in South East, Nigeria. The validated instrument was trial tested using 20 respondent which comprises of 15 female library information science Educators (LISE) and5 male LISE which was outside the study area. The overall reliability coefficient of 0.89 of the instrument was ascertained using cronbach Alpha reliability method. Similarly, Frequency distribution(F) and percentage (%) was used in data analysis. The major findings revealed that adequate it innovative skills must serve as a catalyst in promoting continuing professional Development programme among library information science Educators (LISE’S) in South-East Nigeria. Based on the findings, it was recommended that a sound technical training, re-training and skill improvement programs are to be created to continuously induct the staff to the newly emerging technologies and method and professional should be encourage to participate in refreshers courses, symposia, seminars, conferences and workshop. This would offer broad exposure to technical competency and efficiency of the professional Educators for effective service delivery.
