Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 5-2022

Document Type



The current review examines about the utilization and mindfulness Library Awareness among public In District Central Library, Tirunelveli. .The Public library is a framework that gives admittance to the information data and work of administrations and similarly accessible to all individuals from the local area of identity, Language, business status and instructive accomplishment. An overview technique was directed by utilizing organized questionnaire, which were circulated among 150 public library clients, among them 120 filled poll were gotten with reaction pace of 80%. The review uncovers that greater part 79% of clients of male, about40% of respondents are four year college education holders and it is trailed by post graduates. More number respondents bookkeeping 55% are fall between 20-30 years old gathering, larger part of clients visit the library day to day and they are keen on understanding papers and magazines. The concentrate additionally uncovers that, clients don't know about news section and copy administrations of the library and they are not happy with the assortment of e-assets in the library.
