Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 5-5-2022

Document Type



Archibong, I.A (2010). Accreditation of Nigerian Universities: the practice, benefits and challenges; In 50 years of university education in Nigeria: Evolution, Achievements and future directions edited by Julius Okojie, Is-haq Oloyede and Pai Obanya: University of Ilorin, National Universities Commission pp.151-160.

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The National Universities Commission, the supervisory body of all Universities in Nigeria assesses the universities for standards and quality assurance of programmes on regular basis. The paper examined how accreditations are carried out by the National Universities Commission and the accreditation roles of the university libraries were examined. The study also unveiled the challenges of accreditation in University Libraries which include late notification of forthcoming accreditation, financial constraint, out datedness of information resources, and understaff. The study suggested possible ways out of these challenges which include timely notification of date of accreditation, provision of finance to enable the library acquire current information resources and the like.
