Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This paper demonstrates the impact of audio-visual resources on students' learning of STEM. The implication of the study's findings for libraries and library practice was also discussed. The study demonstrates the need for libraries to present reading materials in versions/modes other than text, to allow users of the library benefit from the resources in the library in modes that are most suitable to them. This will promote the use of library resources even more, and improve the level of interest and achievement students have in STEM subjects.


Considering that science and technology is key to comprehending and providing solution to problems plaguing humanity, STEM education is vital to a great future. With this being so, students are encouraged to develop skills and competencies needed to become educators, innovators, researchers, and leaders in different STEM domains, who can solve the most pressing problems facing humanity, now and in the future. However, there seem to be shortage of interest from students to pursue STEM careers. In a bid contribute to raising the level of interest in STEM subjects, this study, conducted in Nsukka education zone of Enugu state, sought to explore the efficacy of audio-visual aided instruction for improving students’ interest and achievement in STEM subjects, as well as its implications for library practice. Guided by four (4) research questions and four (4) hypotheses, the study adopted quasi experimental design and involved 135 Biology students. Duly validated and trial-tested BATRS and BIS were used to collect data. Results revealed that students taught with audio-visual aided instruction posted better interest scores and achieved better than their counterparts taught with conventional method. Implications of the findings for library practice was discussed, and the study recommended that AVA be utilized in teaching STEM subjects, the infrastructures needed to make that possible be put in place and librarians organise STEM resources such that audio and visual materials will be in same location, to allow students access them at the same time, and with ease.
