Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The paper discusses Library and Information Science Education (LISE) in Nigeria. LISE is an educational plan primarily meant for training and development of information Professionals (librarian, teacher-librarians, information managers, lecturers) and users. The 21st century librarians, information managers / specialists are formally trained and developed in library schools through Library and Information Science Education (LISE). Unlike the primitive belief that there is no academic training required to become library and information science professional, Dewey has made it crystal-clear that formal training is not negotiable for modern librarians. Therefore, he introduced the concept of formal education to librarians. This paper highlights the problems confronting the programme as lack of proper recognition in the academic world, lack of single grouping in the classes of knowledge, professionals in other fields belittle LISE as unprofessional among others. The work concludes that the discipline is the hub of all other disciplines as it assists to draw together group into proper class of knowledge and disseminate the information resources at the right time promptly. The paper recommends that scholars in LISE should give it proper recognition by projecting its image; the need for adequate funding of the course by the government, provision of modern ICT facilities, uniform/appropriate curriculum and marketing of information literacy skills; the higher educational commission like National Universities Commission (NUC) in Nigeria should endeavour to put the programme in the same school or faculty for uniformity.
