Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 7-15-2022

Document Type




This study examines the use of social media during covid-19 by the Justice Babasola Ogunade Law Library of Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo State, Nigeria.

In achieving the set objectives for this study, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted among the six staff of the Hon. Justice Babasola Ogunade Law Library, Ajayi Crowther University, Nigeria. For the purpose of ensuring that the discussion revolved round the intended construct. The researchers made use of prepared structured questions and checklists that made the process of data collection easier.

Findings from the study (95% of the respondents) revealed that the law library had over the years embraced the use of social media in the marketing of its services to the library users. More so, the study further observed that even though social media is very useful in the dissemination of information, 60% of the respondents agreed that only few of the social media platforms are currently in use by the law library. Equally, the deployment of social media is confronted by a number of inhibiting factors mostly during the pandemic including but not limited to erratic electricity and internet supplies; lack of experience in the use of social media and poor internet connectivity in Oyo environs.

In the light of the problems identified, solutions were proffered. It is believed that with access to trainings on social media usage by the library staff, the services rendered in the library might be more effectively utilized. The study also recommended that libraries should develop social pages for maximum exploitation of library services.
