Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 8-15-2022

Document Type




This study examined the influence of Social Media Use on the Perceived Academic Performance of Federal College of Forestry Students, Ibadan Oyo state. Three objectives were formulated for the study. The survey research design was adopted with a Self- developed questionnaire use as the instrument for data collection. The population of the study consist of 599 full time Student of the federal college of forestry, Ibadan, out of which 150 students were randomly selected as the study sample. Analysis of data revealed that the most highly used social media Include, Whatsapp (mean = 3.65), followed by Instagram (mean=3.51). Facebook comes third (mean = 3.35) followed by Youtube (mean =3.04). furthermore, the student uses social media for purposes such as leisure and entertainment (97%) to gather information (82%), ‘for personal research work’ (51%) and academic research (34%). On the perceived influence of social media use on academic performance, the findings show that students believed that their grades have improved due to social media use (mean =3.18); it has improved their academic performance (mean=3.04) and help them understand various topics better (mean = 2.67). however, they rejected the notion that without social media use, their academic performance will drop (mean =1.92). the study concluded that social media use has become an integral part of students’ lives and they do not view it as an impediment rather as a tool in their education.

Key word: Academic performance, Information retrieval, Information services. Social media, User education,

Word count: 246
