Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study examined the usage of electronic information resources (EIRs) for improved nursing research and health-care delivery in Nigeria. A descriptive survey method was used for the study. The population consisted of 120 nursing and midwifery students and 5 healthcare providers at Grimmard School of Nursing and Midwifery, Anyigba, Kogi State of Nigeria totalling 125. Five (5) research questions guided the conduct of this study. Analysis and discussion of the study were based on major findings of the study. The results revealed that, nursing and midwifery students sourced e-resources through online databases, smart phones, institutional repositories and search engines. The study further concluded that, pubmed and excerpta medica database (EMBASE), global infectious disease and epidemiology network (GIDEON), nursing reference centre plus, medicine biomedical and health resources and lilalcs and trip pro were available types of e-resources to nurses. Challenges hindering effective utilization of electronic information resources by nurses ranged from inadequate facilities for using e-resources, unstable power supply, lack of requisite computer use skills, and knowledge of availability of resources, poor internet connectivity, inability to evaluate information sources and inability to seek and obtain information. The study, among others, recommended that government and other stakeholders should assist private and public nursing colleges to provide libraries with adequate and relevant electronic information resources (EIRs) for the usage by student nurses and the management of nursing schools should enhance internet connectivity, infrastructures and access points at strategic locations at the college library. The study contributes to knowledge in the areas of literature, practice and will be useful for policy makers on the necessary steps for ensuring the available of electronic health resources and usability by nursing students. In addition, the study provides fresh data on the usage of electronic information resources for improved nursing research and health care delivery in Nigeria.
