Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 12-14-2022

Document Type



Libraries in this digital era must acclimatize with content on how to manage resources for optimum use to the benefits of their institution and fulfilling potentiated expected roles as to collects describes preserves and provides essential roles of information resources to users. Consequence upon these, the study investigates the library system software use in Baptist theological seminaries libraries in Nigeria, it focuses on applying in tracking items owned ordered which consist of a relation database and of two graphical users interface .Various ILS were considered as KOHA, OPAC, Atrium and NewGenLibrary which stimulate application of computers to perform the library routines and operations in a systemized way based on quality services requirements for library development to meet up to global standard of digital libraries. If these are juicy of ILS the study preempt that, the theological libraries should align to the adoption and use of ILS. The study further emphasized that theological libraries should fully automate all sections of the library operations .the paper conclude and recommends that theological libraries should make ILS facilities available and training and re-training of library staff possible, management should prioritized and fund library and they should ensure and create forum for resources sharing and experience, finally library staff should accept and use these various ILS to power theological library routines to stand shoulder to shoulders with other theological libraries in the world not as competitors but to excellently performing library operations.
