Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The current study aims to evaluate the Scopus-indexed publications of Professor Dr. Rubina Bhatti, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and Chairperson, Department of Library and Information Sciences (LIS) at Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB), Pakistan. She obtained her Master’s degree in LIS in 1991 from IUB, later she joined IUB as a Lecturer in the Department of LIS in 1993. She completed her Ph.D. at The University of Manchester, United Kingdom in 2003. She is the most productive LIS author belonging to the Southern part of Punjab province in Pakistan. The data of this study was retrieved from the Scopus database on January 2nd, 2023. The data analysis presented the periodic growth of papers, citation impact, authorship pattern, collaborative authors, frequently used sources of publications, topographic distribution of papers based on authors’ used keywords and characteristics of top-cited papers. The findings of this study would encourage the females of Pakistan through sincere hard work, commitment and dedication, any female can achieve success in her practical and professional career.
