Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 6-6-2023

Document Type



The study examined the relationship between external control, effort expectancy and use of EIRs among undergraduates in two selected universities in Oyo State, Nigeria. The survey research design of correlational type was adopted for this study across undergraduates in Ajayi Crowther University (N=1,619) and Lead City University (N=2,046), with a total population of 3,665. The study found that both independent variables of external control and effort expectancy had individual significant relationship with undergraduates’ use of EIRs. Also, there was a significant positive relationship between perception of external control and effort expectancy in the use of EIRs. Both independent variables when taken together significantly influence use of EIRs among the undergraduates. The study concludes that the level of EIRs use in the universities understudied will be a function of available control or facilitating condition and the ease in using these resources. Recommendations for the study were made according.
