Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) associated with the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in libraries. AI has the potential to transform library and information science, revolutionizing processes, and services. The strengths of AI in libraries include efficient information retrieval and management, enhanced user experiences through personalization, automation of routine tasks, and improved decision-making through data analysis. However, the weaknesses of AI in libraries encompass ethical considerations and biases, the potential lack of human touch and personalized assistance, technical challenges, and concerns about job displacement. The article also explores the opportunities presented by AI, such as advanced search capabilities, expanded accessibility of digital collections, support for diverse user needs, and collaboration among libraries. On the other hand, the threats and challenges of AI in libraries involve privacy and security risks, dependence on technology and potential system failures, user acceptance and trust issues, and the impact on traditional library services and roles. By considering these factors, libraries can make informed decisions and strategically implement AI to maximize its benefits while addressing the associated challenges. The findings of this analysis emphasize the importance of thoughtful implementation and human-AI collaboration to ensure the best outcomes for library users and stakeholders in the future.
