Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the co-occurrence of keywords related to the sustainable development of libraries. VOSviewer, one of the analysis tools used in this paper, can assess complex networks depending on the degree of connectedness between projects. The concept of sustainable library development is gaining popularity all over the world, and keyword co-occurrence analysis is an effective method for determining how certain research trends are developing fields. In addition, efforts are made to calculate the growth rate of literature, look at the top 10 publishers, nations, and languages with the highest number of pieces.

Methodology: Every piece of writing on sustainable development that was published between 2001 and 2020 is included in this study. Data are gathered via the Web of Science (WoS) database. The statistically examined data were presented along with analyses, conclusions, and interpretations in both graphical and written representations. Data analysis and the presentation of statistical information are done using Vosviewer, Microsoft Word, Excel, and the results are displayed in the form of figure, tables, charts, and bar graphs.

Findings: In the period from 2001 to 2020, the growth rate of papers rises. The data show that 138 publications, or 16.99%, were published in 2020. The People's Republic of China has the most library publications on the topic of sustainable development of libraries, and Elsevier topped the list of the top 10 publishers with 184 articles. Most of the material is written in English language. While creating maps of co-occurrence of keyword using VOSviewer, terms like "identification," "sustainability," "expression," "sustainable development," and "libraries" appear more frequently.

Originality: The data used to determine the output of literature about the sustainable development of libraries was taken from Web of Science, one of the biggest and most reliable databases. The information is unique and has not been published anywhere else. This paper will give readers knowledge of the literary productivity, the top 10 countries, and the languages with the most articles and graphical illustrations of the co-occurrence of keywords.
