Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Librarians organize information resources of all kind for easy access and retrieval; organizational records are one of such information resources that librarians organize for quick access and easy retrieval when needed by the organizations. Academic records being vital information resources that determines the future of students and the efficient workability of academic institutions like universities and other schools are to be well managed and organized so as not to get them mutilated, destroyed or missing. These academic records which include course registration, results, transcript and the likes are supposed to be well managed as they contain delicate information concerning the daily transactions of students and lecturers in the institution and they also contain evidence of academic performances of the trainees. In this 21st century universities in Nigeria are expected to be able to grow beyond managing such delicate and important records manually with the use of papers, files and cabinet to managing the records with the use of academic records management system software (ARMS) that is specially configured with the relevant and requisite modules to manage and organize academic records. Whereas a lot of universities in Nigeria are yet to upgrade to using some of these software to manage their academic records, it is pertinent for this paper to be able to expose some of such ways that these very important records can be properly and efficiently managed. This style of managing student academic records are important in order to guard against natural and artificial disasters like flood, fire, humidity, dust, mutilation, lost etc. when these records are managed with the use of the academic records management system (ARMS) it goes a long way to ensuring safety and easy access of the students academic records. So this paper presents Concepts of ARMS, Students’ academic records, Types of records management systems (RMS), elements and feature of a efficient RMS, ARMS procedure, Advantages and perceived problems of using ARMS, Application of ARMS in maintenance of students academic records
