Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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A deep research into the concept of bibliotherapy revealed that it has been existence for a long time and rooted in ancient librarianship. However, the concept has moved from libraries to other corporations and organizations. This paper looks at the expanded role for libraries and librarians in bibliotherapy. Firstly, it discusses bibliotherapy or the combination of literature and healing which is designed to bring healings to library users through their interactions between relevant literature and their personalities as well as the etymology of the concept. Secondly, it expedites the types of bibliotherapy; relationship between bibliotherapy and library science; types of bibliotherapy that could be integrated into library services and principles of use that would promote effective use of the library. The result is creating a roadmap for understanding the need for integration of bibliotherapy in library services and providing an extension of the subject in clinics, hospitals, prisons and rehabilitation centres as well as systematic exploration in their own subject domains. This paper recommends that reading and developmental bibliotherapy in libraries is highly essential and should be effectively and efficiently practiced through proper training of staff, orientation and users’ education; libraries should provide consultancy and referral services for users’ who might need them and creating the right ambiance through beautiful designs and welcoming staff attitude.
