Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 9-22-2023

Document Type



Students’ perceptions of the usability of libraries is very important as they can help to put into perceptive how students relate to libraries and how they use them. For this reason, this study aimed to investigate students’ perceptions of the usability of the library at the Tshwane University of Technology, Polokwane Campus. Quantitative and qualitative research approaches were followed. The constructivist learning theory was adopted as a theoretical framework for the study. The research design was a case study. To obtain sampling units of students, Stratified random sampling and systematic random sampling were applied. In the case of the library staff, purposive sampling was used. The findings revealed that students find the library user-friendly and they visit the library to borrow materials, read their own notes and books, access the internet, and to study because it is a quiet place in which to study. The study concludes that the library provides space for its users, particularly students and thus user-friendly to them. They can also access internet for their searches. The study recommends therefore that the library should ensure that the space is available at all times. Also that they should make means to market its other services extensively and introduce library users to other services which are offered in the library. Overall, the key results shed new insight on how slight changes in students’ perceptions may ultimately inform the actual use of an academic library.
