Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Library Associations play an important role in the promotion of librarianship as a profession vital to an informed and knowledgeable society. This paper discusses the importance of research in LIS, and considers the role of professional association in recognizing, enabling and promoting a research cul­ture amongst qualified professionals. It shows that if the library profession is to grow and thrive as a true profession, demonstrating not only typical practice, but also considered scholarly approaches to the issues of its day, then its commitment in apt and relevant research practice is indispensable. It addresses the prospects, problems and challenges posed in the changing higher education environment in this Information Age. Throughout the world professional associations put substantial emphasis on the professional development of LIS community through fostering research. The Pakistan Library Association has inadequately realised its active research role in LIS and librarianship profession. As literature shows that it should be dedicated to motivate and facilitate its professional towards research activities. The PLA needs to affirm that research in LIS is fundamental to a growing educated society, culture, education and economy in the country. This paper addresses various contributing factors, problems and solutions for bringing up positive change in the professional culture through research. The study suggests that PLA needs to maintain well-resourced library network and information systems for LIS, well placed to meet the research demands and opportunities for the future. Some examples of library associations’ fostering research from the countries with advanced library system are included.

Keywords: library associations, research in LIS, Pakistan Library Association
