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Adigwe.,I (2012) The impact of Information and Communication Technology (ict) on News Processing, Reporting and Dissemination on Broadcast stations in Lagos, Nigeria. Library Philosophy and Practice


Information and Communication technology is perceived to be a force to be reckoned with in the 21st century because it has caused and continues to cause major changes in the way we live. In the electronic media, ICT has ignited and provoked radical and drastic changes that has affected and revolutionized the broadcast industry, most especially in immediacy and timeliness of news. With Information and Communication Technology information spread, infinitely becomes faster and cheaper and readily available. This study attempts to investigate the impact of information and communication technology in news processing and reporting on some selected broadcast stations in Nigeria. The Research Design employed is the descriptive survey design. Three research questions were formulated for the study. The population for the study consisted of 90 respondents sampled in the selected broadcast stations in Lagos, Nigeria. Questionnaire was used as the instrument for gathering data for the study. Data collected were analyzed using frequency tables and simple percentage. This study uncovered some of the numerous benefits and challenges associated with the use of ICT in news processing in broadcast industry. This study concludes that ICT has created opportunities for widespread electronic and timely delivery of news. Furthermore, not only are there technology barriers that news organizations need to overcome to deliver news electronically, but there are also problems of employee attitudes toward new technologies and resistance to change. The implication of the use ICTs to broadcast stations might lead to an overall shrink in the need for human correspondents.
