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This paper was accepted for presention in IFLA 2012 world congress in health and bioscience library section and it was published in the IFLA congress website in HBS section.


Background: The prescription of reliable information to patients is growingly considered as a remedial intervention in healthcare. The charter of patient right recognizes patients’ right to information as a fundamental right. We offered health information “information prescription service (IPs)” to patients in SH. Madani teaching hospital and Shams hospital (Tabriz-Iran) from October 2010 to October 2011 to empower patients in their health care decision making and to take the library service into the practice field where users demand and need information rather than libraries physical space.

Objective: The objective of study was to find out patients’ satisfaction about the physician-prescribed information prescription services (IPs) offered by librarians to patients, following a physician’s prescription.

Methods: A cross-sectional survey of 140 patients (74 men and 66 women) with heart valve diseases, admitted in two hospitals (Sh. Madani Heart teaching hospital and Shams hospital)Tabriz-Iran, was conducted using interview and structured questionnaire based on the patient satisfaction questionnaire (PSQ(.The Chonbace’s alpha and Kappa measures were used to test the reliability of questionnaire. A descriptive analysis, T- Test and ANOVA One -Way and Pearson Correlation were used to show the satisfaction of users (patients), the association between variables and proportion of satisfaction using SPSS Version 17.

Result: The average age of patients were 54.62± 14.93 for male and 53.75 ±13.93 for female. The result of the study showed that patients were satisfied with IPs, on the whole. The study found statistically significant association between the education and patients satisfaction with IPs but no significant relationship was found between the age and patients satisfaction with the relevance of information (P=0.02).

Conclusion: The study of users’ satisfaction in order to promote the quality of information service is an efficient assessment method. It guarantees the efficacy of library service at the moment of care, where users need information rather than the library’s physical space. Libraries are where users’ need exists, therefore; offering service and assessing the quality of service need to take place everywhere not only limited to library’s physical space
