Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type


Date of this Version

December 2007


From Academic Librarians as Emotionally Intelligent Leaders. Edited by Peter Hernon, Joan Giesecke, and Camila A. Alire. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group. Copyright (c) 2007 by Peter Hernon, Joan Giesecke, and Camila A. Alire.


Emotional intelligence, as backed by the research on this important aspect of ourselves, helps leaders move beyond basic “people skills” to understanding how one’s own reactions and feelings impact how one is perceived by others. Leaders and managers need to understand their own emotions and recognize and understand the feelings of those around them. Leaders are more successful when they pay attention to their social interactions with others in the workplace and the impact they as leaders have on those around them. It is also important for leaders to understand the impact that others’ emotions have on them. When leaders are aware of the emotional side of the workplace along with the technical processes of getting tasks and goals accomplished, they are better able to create a working environment that encourages excellence.
