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Published in MultiCultural Review (March 2002), v. 11, no. 1: 95-96. Copyright 2002, The Goldman Group. Used by permission.


With little formal background in this area, the authors have produced a well-researched, accessible handbook for U.S. residents who have adopted, or are considering adoption of, Chinese children. Jay Rojewski is an occupational studies professor and Jacy Rojewski is a middle school special education teacher, and their interest in the subject was piqued when they adopted a Chinese child several years ago. From a search of the literature it appears that the book fills a relative void on the topic. The authors cover a range of issues, including the philosophical issues and concerns surrounding intercountry adoption, how adoption from China takes place, attachment and adjustment issues, how and why-or whether-to impart Chinese culture and heritage to adoptees, how to deal with discrimination in the United States in mixed race families, and cultural identity and development. The issue of traditional (due to infertility) vs. preferential adopters is also addressed. The authors conducted their primary research via a survey posted on the web. They acknowledge the limitations of this method but suggest that there is still much to be learned from what they gleaned in the research, and I agree. The methods seem to be sound and rigorous and appropriate to the subject. One drawback to the book is that some of the information will soon become outdated, especially the legal aspects. Nevertheless, the book should serve as a rich source of information on intercountry adoption from China for those interested in the topic as well as those wishing to adopt a child.
