Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Brick & Click Libraries: An Academic Library Conference, Northwest Missouri State University, Friday, November 7, 2014. Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, Missouri. Co-Editors: Frank Baudino and Carolyn Johnson, pp. 124-129.


Copyright (c) 2014 Lorna Dawes.


Assuming that students no longer read printed handouts, many librarians have stopped producing printed handouts after observing the piles of paper that remain after library sessions. Libraries have transitioned comfortably to providing online access to handout information via subject and course guides, and now need to make a more complete transition to making them mobile. Although only four in ten college students own a tablet, 75% own a smart phone, and over a third of students intend to purchase either a tablet or a smart phone in the next six months. (“Pearson Student Mobile” 7). Librarians are all aware that tablet and smartphone use in the college classroom is on the increase, and already some courses are instituting mandatory tablet requirements.

In 2011 the author began to publish an information literacy E-Booklet series called “6 Quick Tips.” The e-booklets are used in classroom instruction and are downloadable on iPad, Kindle and Android devices. This paper will discuss how the theory of “threshold concepts” influenced the design and content of the e-booklets, point to Sigil and Calibre as software used to design the e-booklets and model an instructional learning activity in which the students will use the e-booklets in a classroom setting.
