"Oral Presentation: Exploring Oral Presentations of Homework Problems a"

Math in the Middle Institute Partnership



Date of this Version



Math in the Middle Institute Partnership, Action Research Project Report, in partial fulfillment of the MAT Degree. Department of Mathematics. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. July 2008.


In this action research study of my freshmen Algebra I class, I investigated a method of assessing homework based on completion and presentations. When I changed the method of grading from checking answers to looking for completion and presentation of selected problems, I found that the majority of the students enjoyed the method because it allowed them to explore other methods of solving and helped them gain an understanding of the problems. This resulted in less stress on obtaining “the” answer. I also realized that I viewed homework differently and had a better understanding of the students’ thought processes, which caused me to check tests differently. These results led to a better relationship between the students and myself. As a result of this research, I plan to change my methods of assessing homework from the traditional right or wrong to a rubric assessment based on presentations and completion of the assignment.
