Mid-West Quarterly, The (1913-1918)


Date of this Version



Published in THE MID-WEST QUARTERLY Vol. 1, No. 2 (January 1914).


Last year Dr. F. C. S. Schiller published Formal Logic, a Scientific and Social Problem, - a critical text-book, he calls it in the preface, that will teach logic" in a critical spirit and with a minimum of pedantry and reverence for forms." This object is so thoroughly fulfilled - at the end of the four hundred pages the criticism has been so searching and insistent and the reverence for forms so truly a minimum that formal logic seems to be a complete ruin, and the only scientific problem left at the end is how men ever came to build it, and the only social problem what logicians will now do for a living. All that seems to be open to them is to act as guides for the curious who wish to inspect the remains of their subject.
