Music, School of


First Advisor

Dave Hall

Date of this Version


Document Type



Roe, Michael. "A Musical Analysis and Performance Guide to Alejandro Viñao's Burritt Variations for Solo Marimba." D.M. Diss., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2018.


A Dissertation Prepared for the Degree of Doctor of Musical Arts, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Advisor: Dave Hall. Lincoln, Nebraska : August, 2018.

Copyright (c) 2018 Michael Gordon Roe


This dissertation and accompanying lecture recital examine musical aspects and performance considerations for Alejandro Viñao's Burritt Variations (2012).

An exhaustive examination of the formal, melodic, motivic, and rhythmic aspects of the piece will highlight the complex compositional processes and thematic transformations found throughout the work. The discussion will also briefly examine the composer's background and the genesis of the work, as well as key influences found in Burritt Variations. These influences include the multi-temporal music of Conlon Nancarrow, and many Latin-American musical styles, especially Salsa music. The discussion will then focus on considerations for those wishing to perform the work.

By illuminating Viñao's compositional processes and shedding light on performance considerations, this document will serve as a valuable resource for those wishing to study or perform Alejandro Viñao'sBurritt Variations for solo marimba.

Advisor: Dave Hall

Included in

Music Commons
