Music, School of


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A DISSERTATION Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Major: Music, Under the Supervision of Professors Brian Moore and Glenn Nierman. Lincoln, Nebraska: June, 2011

Copyright 2011 Lance D. Nielsen


The purpose of this study was to examine K-12 music educators’ attitudes regarding the use of technology in the assessment of music learning. There is a considerable range of musical behaviors with different levels of complexity that can be assessed (Boyle & Radocy, 1987). A variety of software and web-based assessment tools are available for music educators. However, it is unclear how many teachers are taking advantage of incorporating these technological assessment tools into their instructional practice. This study provided current data about the demographics of teachers using technology to assess musical growth and the variables that might motivate a music teacher to use technology-assisted assessment tools. A researcher-designed survey was administered to a stratified, random sample of K-12 music educators. A sample of 2,211 music educators, provided by MENC: The National Association of Music Education, was surveyed. The survey questions determined the number of teachers using technology-assisted assessment tools and the types of assessment tools they use. The mean score from a series of belief statements suggested teachers' attitudes towards assessment practices and technology was positive. However, it was discovered that specific school and teacher factors had a generally small influence on their perceptions of technology-assisted assessment tools. It was evident that music teachers are utilizing technology for daily instruction more often than to assist with assessment strategies. The factors of time and resources are two important variables that affect teachers' decisions regarding the use of technology for assessment in music settings, and future studies are needed to investigate effective professional development opportunities in training teachers to incorporate technology-assisted assessment tools with music instruction.

Advisers: Brian Moore and Glenn Nierman
