North American Crane Working Group


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Ziewitz, J.W. Wooping crane riverine roosting habitat suitability model. In: Wood D. A., ed. 1992. Proceedings 1988 North American Crane Workshop, Feb. 22–24, 1988. Lake Wales, Florida (Tallahassee, FL: State of Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission Nongame Wildlife Program Technical Report #12, 1992), pp. 71-81.


Used by permission of the North American Crane Working Group.


Water development interests on the Platte River in Nebraska and recognition of the importance of this river as migratory bird habitat have prompted studies to determine how much water is needed to maintain wildlife habitat values. The whooping crane (Grus americana) is one of many species that use the Platte. A model was developed to quantify the relationship between river discharge and roosting habitat suitability for whooping cranes, designed to accommodate the data collection and hydraulic simulation techniques of the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology. Results of the model indicate that optimum roosting habitat conditions in the Big Bend reach of the Platte River are provided by flows of approximately 56.7 m3/s to 60.0 m3/s.
