North American Prairie Conference


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Published in Dave Egan & John A. Harrington, editors, Proceedings of the 19th North American Prairie Conference: The Conservation Legacy Lives On..., University of Wisconsin-Madison, August 8-12, 2004 (Proceedings of the North American Prairie Conference, 19), Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004.


The UW-Madison Arboretum uses an evolving, strategic approach to invasive species management that aims to develop comprehensive, integrated protocols for removing pest plants and subsequently replacing them with appropriate native species. We seek to provide managers with the decision,making tools to develop appropriate tactics to encourage native plants and discourage pest plants. This approach relies upon: 1) a rigorous invasive species risk assessment that yields an action priority ranking matrix; and 2) invasive species management conducted within an ecological restoration framework; and 3) incorporation of research findings into management actions in an adaptive management feedback loop. I use Phalaris arundinacea (reed canarygrass) as an example of invasive species management problems in Arboretum prairies.
