Native American Public Telecommunications


Shut Down the Defense Labs? (7/27/00)

Date of this Version

July 2000


Thousands of anti-nuclear activists will be coming to New Mexico early next month to call for the closure of the Los Alamos National Laboratories. The event will coincide with the 1945 bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. Defense proponents are looking to increase spending at the laboratories and claim it's necessary to maintain our nuclear deterrents. Activists, however, say the only true deterrent for nuclear war is to disarm the weapons. Should the U.S. cut back its nuclear arsenal? Or should we maintain our stockpiles in the name of global stability? Guests include Peggy Prince, director of Peace Action New Mexico.

07272000.rm (6507 kB)
RealMedia Audio File of the Radio Program

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