Nebraska Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit



Date of this Version



Published by Nebraska Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 103 Miller Hall, Lincoln NE 68583-0711


Faces – New and Old (Tony Barada; Jason DeBoer; Caryl Cashmere; Karie Decker; Lucas Kowaleski; Kody Unstad; Michelle Hellman; Carla Knight; Lexi Maple; Thad Miller)

Awards & Recognitions (Jason DeBoer; Andrew Furman; Dustin Martin; Kristine Nemec; Sarah Rehme; Amy Williams)

Service (Kevin Pope; Valerie Egger)

Current Research

Angler Behavior in Response to Management

Actions on Nebraska Reservoirs

Assessing the Relationship between Stable

Isotopes and Grassland Bird Productivity on

Great Plains National Park Service Properties

Diversity and Ecological Functions

The Effect of Common Reed (Phragmites

australis) on River Otter (Lontra canadensis)

Habitat Use

Identifying Socio-Ecological Factors

Determining Invasions and Extinctions


Graduate Student News (Aaron Alai; Jason DeBoer; Michelle Hellman; Carla Knight; Aaron Lotz; Ryan Lueckenhoff; Alexis Maple; Dustin Martin; Kristine Nemec; Sarah Rehme; Lindsey Reinarz; Lindsey Richters; Chad Smith; Peter Spirk; Kody Unstad; Amy Willaims; Justin Williams; Sam Wilson)

Research Cont'd

Missouri River Mitigation: Implementation of

Amphibian Monitoring and Adaptive

Management for Wetland Restoration Evaluation

Monitoring, Mapping and Risk Assessment for

Non-Indigenous Invasive Species in Nebraska

(Nebraska Invasive Species Project)

Population Assessment of Channel Catfish in


Recruitment of Walleye and White Bass in

Nebraska’s Southwest Irrigation Reservoirs


River Otter Home Range and Habitats

Southeast Prairies BUL and Sandstone Prairies

BUL Research

Spatial Risk Assessment of Invasive Species

Impacts on Native Species in Nebraska
