National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version


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Published in Honors in Practice: A Publication of the National Collegiate Honors Council, Volume 11 (2015)


Copyright © 2015 by the National Collegiate Honors Council.


Although the number of honors programs and colleges has grown dramatically over the last twenty years to over a thousand programs nationally (Member List 2010, National Collegiate Honors Council), little has been done to develop consistency of standards in honors. In the interest of seeking consistency, I designed a research study to provide initial insights into assessable measures that a panel of honors administrators agree are meaningful for use in honors program reviews. The study analyzed the content validity of a set of empirically and conceptually derived survey items to facilitate the development of an instrument to assess and review honors programs. The primary research question guiding the study was framed to collect data on the professional judgments of a group of experts regarding the relevance and meaningfulness of the proposed survey items for the purpose of conducting honors program reviews.
