National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version


Document Type

Journal Issue


Honors in Practice: A Publication of the National Collegiate Honors Council (2024) 20.

Guest journal editor: John Zubizarreta.


Copyright 2024, National Collegiate Honors Council. Used by permission.


Guest Editor’s Introduction • John Zubizarreta

Remebering Ada Long

A Long Legacy for the Ages (Dedicatory Essay) • Jeffrey A. Portnoy

Keep Ada Happy! • Larry Andrews

Honors in Practice: Ada Long • Bernice Braid

Tribute to Ada Long • James J. Clauss

For Ada • Lisa L. Coleman

Memories of Ada—With Fondness and Admiration • Kevin W. Dean

Reflections on Ada Long • Joan Digby

Life, Love, Work, and Ada Long • Linda Frost

Insight, Sincerity, and Wit: Remembrances of Ada • Galit Gertsenzon

Giant Shoes to Fill • Devon Graham

Not All Heroes Wear Capes—Remembering Ada Long • Raymond Green

An Author’s Note about the Editor • Annmarie Guzy

My Friend Ada • Jerry Herron

Acknowledging Editor Ada Long • Mimi Killinger

Ada Long’s Honors Program: From Dream to Memorable Reality • John A. Knox

In Remembrance: Ada Long • George Mariz

The Adoration of Ada • Mitch Pruitt

Ada as LegendMitch PruittHonors Pedagogy, the Pioneering Spirit, and What We Owe the Future • La Tanya L. Reese Rogers

Be Like Ada! • Rae Rosenthal

My Octopus Director • Rusty Rushton

Reflections • Chris Simon

Ada Long: A Servant Leader in Honors • Michael E. Sloane

When I Met Ada • Michaela Ruppert Smith

I Wouldn’t Say I Ever Met Ada • Christopher J. Syrnyk

My Experience in Honors with Dr. Ada Long • Maria V. Tarasova

I See Her Laughing • Norm Weiner

About the Contributors to “Remembering Ada Long”

2023 Presidential Address

A Year of Great Change and a Future of Greater Change • Susan E. Dinan


Partners in the Parks: A Shirt Tale • Joan Digby


Toward Student Success: The Impact of Honors Participation on Transfer Student Graduation Rates • Judy Albakry

A Matter of Definition, Criteria, and Standards in Honors: A History, from the Basic Characteristics to the “NCHC Shared Principles and Practices of Honors Education” • Richard Badenhausen and James Buss

Partners in Peace: A Sketch for a Link between the Nobel Peace Prize and NCHC • Kevin W. Dean and Henrik Syse

Mindfulness in Honors: An Experiment in Collaborative Learning and Team Teaching • Pascale F. Engelmajer and Massimo A. Rondolino

Addressing the Climate Crisis through Science and Art: The Value of Interdisciplinary and Intergenerational Team Teaching • Megan Jacobs and Kineo Memmer

If They Build It, They Will Come: The Power of Student-Designed Honors Offerings in Small-Budget Programs • Claire H. Procopio

Forming Civic Virtue through an Honors Seminar Focused on Local Civil Rights History • Lynn Stallings and Aaron D. Cobb

Third-Year Medical College Rotations for Premedical Honors Program Undergraduates • Harvey G. Stenger, Jr., and William L. Ziegler

Creating a Diverse Honors Faculty through Collaborative Relationships within the Community and the University • Amelia Underwood, Philip L. Frana, and Fawn-Amber Montoya

“We Advocate a Semi-Revolution”: An Honors Conference Undergoes Transformation • Betsy Greenleaf Yarrison and Bruce Thompson

Brief Ideas about What Works in Honors

The Involvement Journal: A Signature First-Year Seminar Assignment • Matt Baran

Teaching Honors Leadership Courses with Relevance • Jean-Paul Benowitz

Aristotle’s Poetics: A Biologist’s Approach to Tragedy • James J. Clauss

Fostering Belonging through Bread (and Other Foods) • Maria Elliott and Steve Garrison

Physics and Theatre: An Unexpected Pairing that Enhances Learning for Both Disciplines • Amber Karlins

The Honors Research Project: Embracing Intellectual Discovery through Storytelling • Malachi D. Crawford, Chelsee B. H. Young, Kimberly Michelle Gay, and Quincy C. Moore

Interdisciplinary Cohort Building: Creating a Feeling of Belonging and Sense of Community in Honors Transfer Students • Shannon Pittman and Vanessa Miller

Food and Culture • Brigett Scott

About the Authors
