National Collegiate Honors Council


National Collegiate Honors Council Monographs

Date of this Version


Document Type



© Copyright 2008 by National Collegiate Honors Council



Introduction Peter C. Sederberg

Part I: Background
Chapter 1: The Genesis of an Idea Ted Humphrey
Chapter 2: Characteristics of the Contemporary Honors College: A Descriptive Analysis of a Survey of NCHC Member Colleges Peter C. Sederberg

Part II: Alternative Models
Chapter 3: The Honors College in a Two-Year College Setting: Miami Dade College Alexandria Holloway
Chapter 4: The Multi-Collegiate University Setting: Kent State University Larry Andrews
Chapter 5: The Freestanding Honors College: Wilkes Honors College at Florida Atlantic University Nancy Kason Poulson
Chapter 6: You Say Tomato; I say Tomahto: Honors College? Who Needs It? Rosalie C. Otero

Part III: Stories of Creation and Recreation
Chapter 7: How to Create an Honors College Bob Pepperman Taylor
Chapter 8: How not to Create an Honors College: A Dystopian Fantasy “Donald Publius”
Chapter 9: Sustaining Vitality in the Established Honors College Peter C. Sederberg
Chapter 10: Following in the Footsteps of the Founders Davis Baird
Chapter 11: The Pillars of College Creation Gary M. Bell

Appendix A: Basic Characteristics of a Fully Developed Honors Program
Appendix B: Basic Characteristics of a Fully Developed Honors College

About the Authors
